Small congressional districts will lead to a smaller government.

Our vastly bloated federal government imperils both our individual liberties and financial well being.

Our vastly bloated federal government imperils both our individual liberties and financial well being.

Government overreach is a result of congressmen who are no longer accountable to their constituents. Small single-member congressional districts will solve this problem.

Restore Liberty and Federal Fiscal Responsibility

The perpetual expansion of the federal bureaucratic state is not only degrading our personal freedoms, but it is also creating a significant tax burden along with a vast sea of debt for generations yet unborn. This alarming expansion of the federal government happened as a natural consequence of allowing the People’s House to become the political ruling class’s House.  That is, as the people gradually lost control of our federal House, we gradually lost control of the federal government, thereby giving the federal government greater control over us. As it turns out, the root cause of this problem is massively oversized congressional districts. The solution is simple: Significantly increase the size of the House of Representatives in order to replace 435 huge congressional districts with thousands of small ones.

The goal of representational enlargement is to replace career politicians with citizen legislators, thereby returning political power to the citizenry. As explained elsewhere in this website, this can best be accomplished by reducing the average population size of congressional districts to 50,000 or less.

At first, it might seem that increasing the size of the House of Representatives would also increase the size of government. However, governance should not be confused with government. The Congress is governance, which is supposed to be we the people supervising our government.

Substantially increasing the number of Representatives will reduce the size and scope of the federal government because, as the data shows, government spending will be reduced as the congressional districts become smaller! The financial savings resulting from reducing the size and scope of the federal government will more than offset the additional cost of adding several thousand Representatives to the federal payroll.

The data also suggest that as the electoral districts get smaller, the government becomes less statist, and the citizenry enjoys greater liberty.



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