Small districts eliminate the need for candidates to be funded by big money.

The candidates running for 435 House seats raised nearly two billion dollars for the 2020 elections.

The candidates running for 435 House seats raised nearly two billion dollars for the 2020 elections.

Their voracious need for so much funding is an unavoidable result of waging political campaigns in massive congressional districts. Small congressional districts would virtually eliminate this problem.

Take Control Away From the Powerful Special Interests

The average congressional district contains 760,000 people and growing. Whether you’re an incumbent or a challenger, political campaigns in such huge districts are fantastically expensive. In fact, a little over 1.9 billion dollars was raised for the 2020 House Elections Overview This means that, on average, $4,371,000 per congressional district was raised by all candidates (incumbents and challengers). In addition, nearly $3 billion of “outside money” was spent to support or oppose various candidates in the House races and Outside Spending

There are two colluding forces that drive this flow of money into political campaigns. The first is the enormous expense of political campaigns in massive congressional districts. The second driving force is that, in a House with only 435 Representatives, the Special Interests need only to corrupt a relatively small number of them in order to achieve their objectives. As a result, a membership in this very exclusive club is not only costly to acquire, but it is also extremely valuable to the Representative and his or her powerful patrons.

As a result, it often appears that most of our Representatives are serving various Special Interests (both foreign and domestic) rather than representing their constituents.

The solution is simple: Small congressional districts will make political campaigns affordable to the average person, thereby eliminating the need for candidates to prostrate themselves before powerful moneyed interests in search of funding.  In addition, by virtue of these Representatives being merely one among thousands – rather than one of 435 – no Representative will be valuable enough to warrant appreciable Special Interest generosity.  This is how we will replace the corporatocracy with a government that is of, by, and for the people!



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